woman in black long sleeved top

The Role of Technology in Enhancing Wellbeing

In our fast-paced, app-driven society, devices have become instrumental in most aspects of everyday life. One way of tapping into this trend is to use apps that enhance wellbeing and encourage a more mindful life.  Having resources literally at your fingertips is a great way of making mental health and wellbeing resources more accessible. These […]

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photo of family sitting on floor while using laptop

How to Juggle your Business with School Holidays and Strike Days 

Running your own business offers a flexibility that most other jobs cannot offer but can often feel like an overwhelming responsibility. With school holidays looming and the threat of strike days, it can be hard to figure out how you’ll manage to run your business while looking after your children. In this blog, we offer […]

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four women chatting while sitting on bench

Finding a Community as a Mum in Business

Finding a supportive and encouraging community as a mum in business can be difficult. Mums are often pulled in different directions, with the need to juggle career, family and home life. Being a working mum can be both exciting and challenging, and having a community of like-minded people can make the journey easier. Find an […]

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