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16 Listings


16 Listings
Events happening in and around the London Borough of Bromley

We love writing blogs that are informative and benefit our community. Running a business is hard, so we hope that our quick read blogs give you some glimmers of information and help you. We welcome submissions from our members too – get in touch to find out more!

  • Surviving the Six-Week Summer Holidays as a Freelancer: Tips for Working Around the Kids
    The six-week summer holiday is a joyous time for children, but for freelancers, it can be a challenge to balance work and family time. Unlike traditional office workers, freelancers often don’t have the luxury of paid leave, making it crucial to find a way to stay productive while keeping the kids entertained. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the summer holidays without sacrificing your work commitments. 1. Plan Ahead Preparation is key. Before the holidays start, plan your workload and deadlines. Try to complete major projects beforehand and schedule lighter tasks during the holiday period. Communicate with… Read more: Surviving the Six-Week Summer Holidays as a Freelancer: Tips for Working Around the Kids
  • Spring Clean Your Socials: Refresh and Optimise Your Online Presence
    As the flowers bloom and the weather warms, spring not only ushers in a season for cleaning our homes but also our digital spaces. Social media, an integral part of many of our lives, can become cluttered just like our wardrobes. It’s time to refresh, declutter, and optimise your social media profiles, especially your Instagram, to ensure you are putting your best digital foot forward. Here’s how to spring clean your socials! Step 1: Audit Your Accounts to spring clean your socials Begin your digital spring cleaning by doing an audit of all your social media accounts. Make a list… Read more: Spring Clean Your Socials: Refresh and Optimise Your Online Presence
  • 3 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Reach
    Hey there, Instagrammers! Are you looking to boost your Instagram reach? Ready to spread your wings and soar higher on your favourite social platform? 🌈 Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a creative soul, or someone who just loves sharing their journey, we all crave that sweet nectar of reaching more eyes and hearts. Today, I’m here to share three warm, friendly, and (most importantly) effective strategies to help your Instagram account blossom and reach further than ever before. Firstly, we’ll explore the dynamic world of Instagram Stories and Reels, showcasing how these features can catapult your visibility. Secondly, we’ll delve… Read more: 3 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Reach

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