Vanessa Rubio Acupuncture

Vanessa Rubio Acupuncture Vanessa Rubio Acupuncture Vanessa Rubio Acupuncture Vanessa Rubio Acupuncture

Vanessa Rubio (Lic.Ac MBAcC) is a Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncturist and facial acupuncturist with experience in helping clients with a wide range of physical and emotional conditions such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, Women’s health, menopause, IBS, allergies, pain, musculoskeletal issues, migraines, headaches and skin concerns. She also offers pregnancy and post pregnancy support. Alongside acupuncture, Vanessa uses other modalities in her treatments such as body gua sha, moxibustion, electro acupuncture and ear seeds.

As well as practicing traditional acupuncture, Vanessa also offers Facial Cosmetic acupuncture with Celluma LED light therapy which provides a natural alternative to Botox. Facial acupuncture helps to lift, firm and tone the skin, brighten the complexion, reduce acne and acne scarring, minimise pores, soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reduce puffiness.

Vanessa is a fully insured, licensed practitioner and a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) which guarantees high standards of training, safe practice and professional conduct.

Vanessa is at Breeze Yoga in Beckenham every Tuesday from 2.30pm-7.30pm.

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