Ah, the last three months of the year. For most people, it’s all about wrapping up presents, cozying up by the fire, and somehow managing to keep your house from being engulfed in a storm of wrapping paper, to-do lists, and glitter (how does glitter get everywhere?). But for us—mums in business—it’s more like a last-minute sprint before we collapse across the finish line and catch our breath just in time for Christmas.

The reality is, as we roll into October, the end of the year is not just about making sure you have the Christmas stockings ready—it’s about prepping your business for what could be the most crucial time of the year. And trust me, as a mum in business, there’s no “just winging it” when it comes to ending the year strong.

But don’t fret! Here’s a little guide to help you make the most of these final few months, sprinkled with humour and practical advice (because we all know we could use a bit of both, right?).

Why the Last Three Months Matter So Much (and Why You Can’t Afford to Miss the Opportunity)

Think of the last three months as your business’s chance to shine. The festive season means people are ready to spend—whether it’s gifts, experiences, or even services that will help them kick off the new year. Retail businesses usually rake in 40-50% of their annual sales during this period. Even if you’re not in retail, people are starting to plan and budget for the year ahead, making this a prime opportunity to market yourself as the solution they need.

Important Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • What do I want my customers to remember about my business as they step into the new year?
  • How can I serve my audience during the holiday season, and how does that set me up for 2025?
  • Am I maximizing the potential of this quarter, or am I just hoping to survive it?

Now, let’s dive into some actionable steps to make sure you finish the year on a high and set yourself up for success in 2025.

Step 1: Get Your Financial House in Order (Or at Least Get It Past ‘Messy Drawer’ Stage)

First things first—let’s talk money. This is the time to review your financials. I know, I know, it sounds dull, but getting a clear picture of your revenue, expenses, and overall performance will help you make smart decisions in the coming months.

Here’s what to do:

  • Review Your Budget: Look at how you’ve done so far this year. Are you over or under budget? If you’ve overspent, now’s the time to rein it in. If you’ve underspent (hello, unicorn!), consider investing in a last-minute marketing push.
  • Chase Those Invoices: We all have that one client who needs a little nudge to settle up. You’ll want to clear the slate before the year ends, so get those emails out, mama!
  • Plan for Tax Time: Yup, tax season will be here before you know it. Start gathering your receipts and expenses now. The last thing you want is to be frantically searching for that one Uber receipt on New Year’s Eve.

Step 2: Plan Your Holiday Promotions (Yes, Even If You’re Not ‘Selling’ Something)

Even if you’re not a product-based business, you should have some sort of holiday offering. People are in the mindset of gifting, spending, and setting goals for the new year. Whether it’s a special offer, a discount, or even just a thoughtful holiday-themed email, now is the time to connect with your audience.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Create a Festive Marketing Campaign: What can you offer that makes your clients’ lives easier during the holidays? Maybe it’s a service package to help them get a head start on their new year’s goals. Or maybe you sell cozy products that are perfect for gifting.
  • Don’t Forget About Social Media: Social media engagement spikes during the holiday season. People are scrolling for ideas, gifts, and inspiration. Get creative with holiday-themed posts, contests, or giveaways that keep your audience engaged.
  • Use Your Email List: Don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed email! Whether it’s sharing your holiday offerings or giving tips on how to survive the season (both business and personal tips, please!), it’s a direct way to connect with your customers.

Step 3: Reconnect with Your Why (Because, Let’s Face It, You Probably Forgot)

By this point in the year, we’ve all had those days where we wonder why we even started this whole business thing in the first place. The exhaustion is real, the juggle is never-ending, and the allure of hibernating with Netflix is strong. But now is the time to refocus on why you’re doing this.

  • What was your original vision for your business? Take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come and how close you are to achieving that vision. It’s easy to lose sight of your long-term goals when you’re in the trenches, but stepping back can be hugely motivating.
  • Are you still excited about what you’re offering? If not, the end of the year is a good time to re-evaluate and consider if changes are needed for 2025. This could be anything from tweaking your services to making a full-on pivot.

Step 4: Nail Your Customer Service (Because Santa Isn’t the Only One Who Should Be Delivering!)

The festive period can be stressful for everyone—customers included. That’s why nailing your customer service during this time can set you apart from the competition and leave a lasting impression.

Here’s how to stand out:

  • Be Responsive: Whether it’s handling inquiries or resolving complaints, the quicker you respond, the better. People are already stretched thin during this time of year, so don’t leave them hanging.
  • Add a Personal Touch: Sending a handwritten thank-you note, offering free gift-wrapping, or even just checking in to see how a customer is doing can go a long way.
  • Over-Deliver: If you can, aim to exceed expectations. Maybe that’s delivering an order a day earlier than promised or throwing in a small extra with a service. Little touches make a big impact.

Step 5: Set Your Vision for 2025 (Without Overwhelming Yourself!)

Ah, goal-setting. We love to hate it. But it’s so important to have a clear vision for what you want 2025 to look like. Use this time to reflect on your year and set realistic goals.

  • What went well this year? Take some time to celebrate your wins! It’s easy to focus on what didn’t work, but give yourself some credit for what you accomplished.
  • What didn’t work? Don’t dwell on it, but do learn from it. Now’s the time to adjust your strategy for next year.
  • What’s one big goal you want to achieve in 2025? Break it down into smaller, manageable steps so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Remember, slow and steady wins the race (or at least it makes the chaos of motherhood a bit more manageable).

Step 6: Don’t Forget to Take Care of YOU

I get it—we mums are used to putting everyone else first. But let’s be honest, if you burn out, everything else goes with it. So, make sure you’re also making time for yourself in these last few months.

  • Schedule in Some ‘Me Time’: Whether it’s a spa day (one can dream) or simply locking yourself in the bathroom with a good book for 10 minutes of peace, make sure you’re taking time to recharge.
  • Set Boundaries: It’s tempting to say yes to everything during this season, but remember, it’s okay to say no. Whether it’s turning down a client who’s asking for too much last-minute work or declining an invitation to yet another holiday event, your sanity matters.

Finishing the Year with Confidence (and a Little Bit of Holiday Cheer)

The last three months of the year can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling the demands of running a business and raising a family. But with a little planning and a lot of determination (and maybe a few glasses of mulled wine), you can finish the year on a high.

Remember: You’re a powerhouse. You’ve got this. So, take a deep breath, tackle these last few months head-on, and start dreaming about how amazing 2025 is going to be.

And hey, if all else fails—there’s always chocolate.

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to ask yourself: “What do I want my business and my life to look like in 2025?” Because the answer to that will help guide everything you do in these last three months.


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